How Can I Soothe My Child After Tooth Extraction?

September 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — hifivekidsdent @ 8:29 pm
Mother and daughter hugging it out during tooth extraction recovery

It’s natural to fret over your child after something like a tooth extraction. Your pediatric dentist will take every precaution to help your little one feel as comfortable as possible during their treatment, but what can you do when it’s time to return home? How can you soothe their recovery aches and help them heal? Keep reading to learn more.

Follow Post-Op Instructions

It might seem obvious, but it’s worth noting that following your pediatric dentist’s aftercare instructions is the best way to secure your child’s health and comfort. They’ll provide more detailed information about tooth extraction recovery, including a list of do’s and don’ts that might surprise you. Drinking through a straw, for instance, could disrupt the healing process and cause sharp pain. Pay close attention when you review these instructions and take lots of notes!

Choose Their Meals Strategically

Your child’s mouth is likely to be tender after their tooth extraction, and certain foods and drinks could harm their oral health. Soft meals and mild beverages are best, as your little one won’t have to apply too much pressure to break down and consume them. Hard, crunchy, chewy treats should be avoided, as well as sugary or acidic liquids. Instead, look for things like yogurt, mashed potatoes, bananas, smoothies, and simple soups.

Keep An Eye on Their Oral Hygiene

It’s vital for your child to clean their teeth properly during recovery. Gentle, careful brushing and flossing is okay – in fact, they should be ginger with their tender teeth. But if they skip twice daily brushing and once daily flossing, they could develop an infection near their treatment site due to bacteria build up.

Encourage Plenty of Rest

Some kids seem to have limitless energy. Any other time, this would be a trait most adults would envy, but strenuous activity could harm your child’s extraction site. Try to encourage more relaxing, restful pastimes for them to engage in when they grow restless. You could read a book or two together, watch a movie, play board or card games, or do some arts and crafts. Just make sure they get plenty of actual sleep, too!

Contact Your Pediatric Dentist When Necessary

You’re a super-parent, but you’re not superhuman! When your child’s oral care becomes challenging, that’s what your pediatric dentist is for. Keep their number handy in your phone contacts, so that if you need help or advice during your little one’s post-extraction recovery, they’re just a few buttons away. They can assist you with over the phone first aid advice and will make sure your child gets the dental care they need.

About the Dentist

Dr. Maria Murad is a certified specialist in pediatric dentistry, meaning that she’s well-qualified to help you and your child with tooth extraction recovery. She wants patients to feel at-home in her dental office and is exceptional at helping children feel comfortable and safe. If you have questions or concerns about caring for your child after their tooth extraction, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Murad’s office at 905-995-6060.

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