Stay Smiling This Summer: Fixing a Dental Emergency on Vacation

June 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — hifivekidsdent @ 7:51 pm
Patient with family on summer break after a dental emergency

Summer vacations are all about fun, relaxation, and making memories with your family. However, accidents can happen, and dental emergencies can quickly turn a happy trip into a stressful situation. Knowing how to handle a dental emergency for your child while on vacation can make all the difference. Here’s what you need to know to stay prepared for the three most common dental emergencies and keep everyone’s smiles bright.


This dental issue can be annoying and painful, especially for a child. They usually occur due to a deep cavity or a possible infection. Here’s how to handle it:

  • Rinse the Mouth: Have your child rinse their mouth with warm water to clean it.
  • Floss Gently: Use dental floss to remove any food that might be stuck between their teeth.
  • Apply a Cold Compress: Place a cold compress on the outside of your child’s cheek to reduce swelling and relieve pain.
  • Avoid Painkillers on the Gums: Do not place aspirin or any other painkillers directly on the gums as this can cause burns.

If the pain persists while you’re out on the road, look for a local dentist for further evaluation and treatment!

Knocked-Out Tooth

If your family goes to a water park or another vacation destination where falling could happen, a knocked-out tooth is a possibility. Once a child’s tooth has been dislodged, time is of the essence!

  • Find the Tooth: First, try to locate the tooth and pick it up by the crown (the chewing part), avoiding the root.
  • Rinse Gently: Rinse the tooth with water if it’s dirty, but do not scrub or use soap.
  • Reposition if Possible: Try to place their tooth back in the socket, but don’t force it. Then, have your child hold it in place by biting on a clean cloth.
  • Store Safely: If you can’t put their tooth back, store it in a container of milk or saliva for safekeeping.

For this, you’ll need to drop whatever you’re doing and find a dentist. The chances of saving the tooth are highest within the first hour.

Cut or Bitten Tongue, Lips, or Cheeks

It’s not often that your child will bite hard enough to cause injury. However, it can happen after a slip or hitting a hard object.

  • Clean the Area: Rinse the area with warm water.
  • Apply Pressure: Use a clean cloth to apply gentle pressure to stop the bleeding.
  • Use a Cold Compress: Reduce swelling with a cold compress.

If the bleeding doesn’t stop after 15 minutes or the cut is large, find a nearby emergency room for help. Dentists don’t typically have the tools to care for more serious injuries.

By staying prepared and knowing how to respond to dental emergencies, you can ensure your summer vacation remains a time of fun and joy for your family. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be ready to handle any dental mishaps that come your way!

About the Author

Dr. Maria Murad is a fun-loving and talented pediatric dentist with a doctorate from the University of Detroit Mercy and specialty training from the University of Texas Health Science Centre. If you’re planning a smashing summer vacation this year, don’t forget to make a dental checkup one of your priorities! If you need help for your child, call (905) 995-6060 to schedule an emergency appointment at HiFive Kids Dental and Braces, or visit our website to see more that we offer!

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